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the power of energy

Energy medicine is based upon the belief that changes in the "life force" of the body, including the electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields, affect human health and can promote healing.


The notion of a life force or energy is shared by people around the world. Since ancient times, traditional cultures have believed that a special energy vitalizes all life.


In the sixteenth century, the Swiss alchemist and physician Paracelsus reported: "a healing energy that radiates within and around man like a luminous sphere." He believed this energy could cause and cure disease and could work from a distance. He also thought that magnets, planets, and stars could influence this energy. There are echoes of these beliefs in some theories and practices of contemporary energy medicine.

  What can energy do?
  • Calm and heal body & mind
  • Calm and heal pets
  • Accelerate spiritual growth
  • Raise consciousness
  • Release pain
  • Regain mental clarity
  • Find your inner stillness

Who am I?

My name is Linda (Lady Linda).


I am an Alternative Wellness and Care Practitioner, and founder of The Care Klinik. I work using energy, bodywork, colour therapy and 'Intuitive Art for Wellness' - a space for healing through creativity to assist You on Your healing journey.


What makes me qualified to help you?

Apart from my many hours of training in these recognised fields, I’ve been in not-so-nice situations that you may be finding yourself in.


Violent relationships, loss of a child, suicidal, being misunderstood by friends or family, limiting thought patterns (mind saying “let’s do it” – body saying “the couch looks comfortable”).


Gathering our stories over the years doesn’t need to limit us. Once we make the decision to change our thought patterns, our stories show us how far we have come, even if our current thought may be despair.


Learning to give to yourself first creates a more stable path to assist others. It is not a selfish thing to do. Quite the contrary!


We are raised to believe that helping others first will come back to us ten-fold, like Karma. This has a high price and the reason why we spend little time on ourselves. It is also the reason why we ‘push down’ the feelings of hurt, shame, intimidation, fear, sadness, and then we ‘beat ourselves’ up for ‘not being more in control’ (‘I wish had said……’, ‘why didn’t I speak up’, ‘WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?’).


So, what's next?


Click here for more detailed information about what I can offer You.


Healing can be a life without drugs (prescribed or otherwise). Healing can be a life with no regrets, no fear, no discouragement. Allow yourself to grow and those around you will either grow too or move out of your way.


There is a uniqueness in what The Care Klinik provides, giving you options in the way you live your life.



Signature - Lady Linda_edited.png
What people are saying

Linda is trained in several holistic wellness/bodywork modalities, including a form of energy healing known as peiec, which I personally believe to be a very powerful modality. Linda worked on Tia (fur baby) yesterday and she has much more energy, is moving slightly better, and has started playing with her toys again (since last night), which is lovely to see. There are things we still have to address, particularly with her gut, but she slept better and hasn’t vomited since her treatment either. I am very grateful to Linda for the treatment session. (Which can be done at distance.)


Linda will be coming back here in a few weeks to do a treatment on me as well as Tia again, which I am looking forward to!

Katherine W (Wadi Farm)

The Care Klinik uses Zoom for all online sessions - download                          for free  

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